
How to Naturally Clean Plaque From the Arteries

Plaque is made of substances from calcium, cholesterol,  fat and some other waste materials.  And your arteries can be clogged due to bad diet, lifestyle or when your liver is producing more cholesterol than it should produce.  Plaque builds up in the arteries can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and even heart failure.  
It can be treated with drugs, surgery or you can naturally remove plaque from your arteries by following these few steps on this blog post.  

Step 1
To naturally clean plaque from your arteries, you need to eat healthy fats.  As I said earlier, plaques are made up of fats and other substances but these fats are not good fats. To clean the arteries of plaque, the healthy fat should be more than the bad fats. And with the help of the liver, the process is done naturally when you take in plenty of good fats.
Good source of healthy fats like monounsaturated fats and omega-3, fish, Olive oil, seeds, nuts and avocado pear. Omega-3 can be sourced naturally from fishes or in supplement form.  

Step 2
As I have always recommended  Exercising on a daily basis will help you to overcome Cardiovascular diseases. Exercise can help clean your arteries naturally of plaque if you make it a daily habit. 30 minutes every day for six months will give you a good result.  Exercises like jogging, swimming, and cycling are the kind of exercises that can help you get those plaques out your arteries.   can be part of your lifestyle changes to naturally get rid of plaque in the

Another sept you will take to naturally clean your arteries of plaque is to remove foods rich in saturated fats from your meals. Foods like, fried foods, beef meat, crackers, cookies, vegetable oil ( use Oliver oil instead) and even pastries.
Check out for foods that have hydrogenated oils in them.
Step 3
A medical personnel once told me that meditation can naturally clean the arteries of plaque. According to research by a health expert, meditating on a daily bases for at list 30 minutes will help the body clean the arteries naturally. To meditate better I will recommend yoga.     

Another sept you will take to naturally clean your arteries of plaque is to remove foods rich in saturated fats from your meals. Foods like, fried foods, beef meat, crackers, cookies, vegetable oil ( use Oliver oil instead) and even pastries.
Check out for foods that have hydrogenated oil in them.

Step 5
Two bad habits that can cause the body to build plaque without you knowing is drinking of alcohol and smoking.  if you want to naturally clean your arteries of plaque, you must stop these two expensive habits before they will stop you.  
