

Are You Diabetic? The foods you eat will go a long way to help you to treat and reverse it. On this blog post, I will be talking about the type of food you should eat to help you reverse diabetics, especially as a Nigerian. The biggest problem with living with diabetics is selecting the type of food to eat. The following foods that can easily be found in Nigeria are good and helpful if you are living with diabetics.
List of foods to treat and reverse diabetics.

1. Whole grains:
Meals made from whole grains like rice, corn and other grain is good for you if you have or living with diabetics.  Avoid refined grains that are refined into white flours. White flour is not good for you because of its starchy nature. It is also very high in sugar molecules. Other whole grains that you can prepare your meals from are millet and farrow.

2. Beans and legumes:

Beans and legumes are very low in glucose. so they cannot cause your sugar level to go up even if you consume them always. They also provide the body with the needed fiber and protein and they are also very rich in vital vitamins. They are more delicious when you add with other meals before eating.

3. Vegetables:

There are starchy and non-starchy vegetables. The starchy vegetables are pumpkin, potatoes, and corn. If you want to reverse and treat your diabetics you must take these starchy vegetables with moderation. There are other non-starchy vegetables that you can eat a plate full without having your sugar level going up. Some of these non-starchy vegetables like mushroom, cucumber, and greens can be sourced cheaply in any market in Nigeria.

4. Fruits:

Like vegetables, there are fruits that also contain starch and if not consumed moderately, they can cause your sugar level to go up. I am talking about sweet fruits like melons, pineapples, Thomas, and apples. You will enjoy them and they can help you reverse and treat your diabetics if you take them in moderation. They can also help provide the body with the needed nutrient for proper functioning.

5. Plantain:
plantain is a good source of energy .but it contains very little starch in it. Eating plantain will reverse your diabetic because of its high vitamin and mineral content. It is high I vitamin c, b, a and some minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorous. Plantain is also very rich in fiber.

6. protein:
protein help repair warns out tissues in the body. For proper and quick heal of damage cells and tissues your protein to help reverse your diabetics. I will recommend  Plant proteins for you. I mean protein gotten from nuts and beans. Other sources of protein for people living with diabetics are seafood and poultry meat.

I will like to end this post by pleading with you to stay away from refined sugar and soft drinks if you want to reverse your diabetic. Sweeteners are also not healthy for you to consume


High blood pressure is deadly if not treated with the right kind of food and medication. Sometimes it is difficult to control hypertension with medications but if you avoid some certain food and also include some type of food in your diet, it will be easy to control it. Pre-hypertension [a condition when your BP is little high than normal] is treatable when you take the right medication and eat the right food that contains low-fat {good fat } like avocado pear, lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Blood pressure can be well managed and even treated if you take your medications and always check your food habit.

Foods you must avoid if you have high blood pressure
1.Fast Foods: “As the saying goes, fast food fast dead”. If you have high blood pressure you must stay away from fast foods. The reasons are that these processed foods have high amount of salt that was added to it while processing it. The salt and sugar can increase your blood pressure.

2. Fats: fatty foods like red meat and fried foods can also increase your high blood pressure. To successfully treat your hypertension, you must avoid these bad fats and replace them in your diet with good fats [white meat or avocado pear]. Bad Fats causes plaques in the arteries making it difficult for blood to pass through the arteries and veins thus high blood pressure.

3. Canned foods: canned foods should be avoided if you have high blood pressure. The salt in preserving and making it taste is not good for your cardiovascular health. The added salt is the problem it increases your blood pressure. If you are taking your medications to treat high blood pressure and you are still consuming canned foods, you will not get the needed result health wise.

4. Coffee: coffee is sweet and likes it a lot and even as I write with my laptop right now, a cup of coffee is beside me. I take it always. But if you have hypertension, avoid it. I will advise you don’t take more than 2 times in a day. Coffee contains some compounds that can increase your blood pressure.

6. Alcohol: Alcohol intake can increase your blood pressure if you take too much of it. Avoid it if you are treating blood pressure. Other complications like kidney failure, diabetics, stroke and heart failure can be linked alcohol intake.

7. Bread: The high content of sodium in bread, make harmful to persons living with high blood pressure. If you consume bread once in a while like once or twice in a week, is not too bad but if you take it daily bases, it means you are taking into your system too much sodium that will cause an increase in your blood pressure.



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