
Sickle cell anemia; 3 type of foods that will keep you healthy.

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease that causes your body to produce red blood cells that are sickle in shape. These red blood cells carry little or no oxygen. Since it is the responsibility of the red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body and the person with sickle cell disorder has red blood cells that are sickle and has little or no oxygen then there will be health challenges in the body. Health challenges like anemia, because of the low red blood cells. 
Crisis, because of low oxygen in these red blood cells and the sickle shape of the cells make it difficult for these cells to pass through the blood vessels. Issues with  Low immunity.
Now that you know what the problem is, what are you going to do. Very simple help your body produce more healthy red blood cell and also help the circulative system supply the oxygen the body needs to function. And to do this is not hard. 
I have always been advising those living with this condition that you are the best doctor to yourself. If you take good care of your body, your body will take good care of you.  And God has use nature to provide us all that we need to take care of our self.
3 foods that can help you stay healthy even as you are living with sickle cell anemia. 

Omega 3: This food is found mostly in fishes and walnut. It is also in supplement form. You can buy it from herb shops anywhere in the world. It helps the body as oxidants and also helps to tiny the blood making it possible for it to pass through the blood vessels. It can help the body remove the bad cholesterol from the body making it possible for the blood vessels to perform its function of transporting oxygen throughout the body without any blockage. 
Omega3 acid oil can also help a person with sickle cell anemia in the following ways 
1, inflammation, omega 3 acid is anti-inflammatory food. Because of its anti-inflammatory nature, it can help reduce, prevent and relieve painful crisis.   
2, it can also help a person living with sickle cell anemia, because of its ability to repair the endothelial cells in the blood vessels.  Especially in the endothelial cells in the vital organs in the body. This will make it easy for the blood vessels to supply blood and oxygen to the body. 

Liquid Chlorophyll: this wonder liquid is rich in magnesium, copper, iron, protein, potassium, sodium, calcium, vitamin E, lithium, phosphorus, zinc and other nutrients that are also very important to the body.
Chlorophyll helps the body to produce more quality red blood cells and thus improve the circulation of oxygen all over the body. 
It contains a little amount of iron but it is not enough to worry over as a person living with sickle cell. Unlike blood, magnesium has replaced iron in chlorophyll. Like omega 3 acid liquid chlorophyll also contain anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help the person living with the sickle cell anemia fight painful crisis. It can also be in supplement form. 

Avocado pear:  Avocado pear contain all the properties the other two foods contain. Which means it can also help the person living with sickle cell anemia just like the other two foods.  The iron content in avocado pear is not a problem for you at all if you are living with sickle cell anemia. An average avocado pear contains about 0.6  milligrams and you need to have consumed over 8 milligrams for men and over 18 milligrams a day for women before you are said to have overload your system with iron.
I want to end this article by telling you that living with sickle cell is not the end of your life. You can live healthily and archive whatever you want in life. Don't let stigma stop you. All I am saying is that you can have sickle cell and sickle cell not having you.   

Sickle cell anemia: How to Increase your hemoglobin

The genesis of all the complications and crisis associated with sickle cell

anemia  is low hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that is found in red blood cell. It helps the body transfer all the oxygen it needs to function. People living with sickle cell have less red blood cells; meaning they also have less hemoglobin. The next question is should be how can persons living with sickle cell disorder increase their hemoglobin? 

 One of the first things that patients with sickle cell want to know is how they can increase their hemoglobin.

Here are some natural ways to increase your red blood cells and hemoglobin count.

Green Vegetables: Green vegetables are loaded with folate, which helps the body to produce red blood cells. And they are also loaded with different vitamins and minerals that help the body produce red blood cell and hemoglobin. Apart from helping the body produce red blood cell they are also beneficial to the body. Why I always recommend green vegetables is that they are very low in iron which is not too good for people living with sickle cells.Complications arising from Iron overload can be sometimes fatal. 

 Chlorophyll, the liquid form:  whatever you have in the dark green vegetable is also in liquid chlorophyll it will be good if you take it every day. I add it to my natural homemade fruit juice. It is hemoglobin itself. It possesses all the molecular in hemoglobin. It is like taking into your system the rough hemoglobin. If you are the type that find it difficult to eat green vegetables, you can go for   Liquid chlorophyll. 

Almond Milk: Almond milk help to increase hemoglobin and also help the body create new blood cells. it helps some vital organs in the body to function well. Organs like the heart, brain, liver and even the nerves. This is the kind of milk that I will recommend for you as a person living with sickle cell disorder because of its no fat nature unlike cow milk or other animal milk that have high fat. 

Vitamin B-12: if you are living with sickle cell and you want to live a healthy life and increase your hemoglobin count, you must add vitamin B-12 to you diets or you must eat foods that contain vitamin-12. Foods like beef, eggs, and liver.I prefer the supplement form because it contains no iron. Vitamin B-12 blend well with folate in the body to produce new red blood cells. 

Sickle cell anemia : Unique Ways of Keeping yourself Hydrated

Keeping yourself hydrated is the best medicine you can give to yourself as a person living with sickle cell disorder. It works wonders. It helps the body get enough oxygen to function. Apart from water, there are other unique ways of keeping your body hydrated. Some persons living with sickle cell disorder,  hydrate themselves with soda, sugar loaded juice and highly concentrated sugary drinks. The truth is that you are not hydrating yourself but you are dehydrating yourself and that is why you still suffer crisis fall sick often because the high sugar content in these drinks helps lower the immune system.  On this article follow me and let me show you how best to hydrate yourself.                    

Water: if you are having issues with sickle cell,  water is your life. Drink as much as you can. When you are eating, playing even at bedtime let water be your companion and you will be amazedd how healthy you will be. It helps widen the arteries to enable the blood to flow through with ease. It helps flush the arteries of all dead cells. As you know the sickled red blood cells don't live long unlike the normal red blood cells that live up to 120 days, as a result, there will be many dead cells loaded in the circulative system. With the intake of much water, there will be the free flow of oxygen in the body and helps the liver to fight jaundice also helps the bone marrow produce more red blood cells thus helping the body fight infections. 
Please if you must drink it must be clean water and it should not be cold or chill. Cold or chill water harden the arteries making it hard for the arteries to circulate blood to other parts of the body.  The best meter for you to measure if you have drunk enough is when you notice you now visit the restroom frequently.     
Tea: Apart from water, herbal teas can also help hydrate the body. Sometimes you get bored with water or you might not have the appetite for water. Then you can replace the water with tea. And not soft drinks like soda. Herbal tea is another unique way of hydrating yourself. Even as you replace water with tea, avoid the teas that have too much caffeine in them. That is why I will advise you take green tea, black tea, and lemon balm tea.  These herbal teas have little or no caffeine in them. And also avoid chocolate tea. They do more harm than good.

Apple Cider Vinegar Water: instead of you to pop up soda and other sugar-loaded drinks why not try apple cider vinegar water. The taste might not be as sweet as soda but it is good and can help hydrate your body. Especially when there is cold and flu. To prep your apple cider vinegar water, just add one teaspoon of apple cider to some water and you have your drink. 

Coconut water: this is my best bet and I love it more than any other drink.  Coconut water is one of the best ways to hydrate yourself if you are living with sickle cell disorder. Coconut water is loaded with some minerals, essential vitamins like vitamin B and C and electrolytes this element is also found in blood it gives coconut water the ability to hydrate the body faster than any other drink. 
If you hydrate yourself well every day and take your minerals like vitamin b complex and folic acid and eat your fruits and vegetable always you will not have crisis.



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