Yogurt is a delicious drink and it is a very nutritious drink loaded with many vitamins and minerals. But I will recommend you go for the yogurt that has no sugar. For me, i prefer it without sugar and blend with avocado pear. ( Another day I will teach you how prepared that ) And on this blog post, i am going to let you know the health benefits of yogurt and let you know what you have been missing.

This is how it works. Fats in your body especially the fats around your waist helps the body to produce cortisol which also helps the body to produce more fats. When you take yogurt the calcium and the amino acid in it help the body to produce less cortisol thus less fat.
2 Another health benefit of yogurt is that it contains a lot of good bacteria. Bacterias that can help the digestive system function well. They help destroy microorganism that would have been harmful to the digestive system.
3. Yogurt has a lot of vitamins in it. Vitamins like calcium, phosphorous, vitamin B complex especially b5 and b12, iodine, potassium, zinc and much more.
Taking yogurt always will help you fill that gap of lack of vitamins in the body. Expert says you can get over 70 percent of the vitamins an adults needs in yogurt.
4. When it comes to fatigue, yogurt is the answer. It helps your body to recover fast when you overwork yourself. If the yogurt is well prepared with the right ratio of protein to carbohydrate, it really helps the body after a hard day work or exercise.
The protein in yogurt supply the body with the amino acid the body needs to repair the damaged muscle while the carbohydrate replaces the stored energy that was used up when you were working or exercising.
5 yogurt contain potassium which helps flush sodium ( table salt) away from the body. Helping reduce the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases and even kidney failure.
6 yogurt help the body fight tooth decay especially if you are like me that always go for no sugar yogurt or low sugar yogurt. The lactic acid in yogurt also helps protect the gum from gum and other dental diseases.
7 over consumption of yogurt can trigger a woman body system to produce multiple eggs and this can result in guving birth to twins because of the presence of some chemicals found in the livers of cows.
7 over consumption of yogurt can trigger a woman body system to produce multiple eggs and this can result in guving birth to twins because of the presence of some chemicals found in the livers of cows.