Look at your eyes using a mirror you will see that the white part of your eye called sclera is yellow. Sickle cell anemia and Yellow eyes go together. It is a common symptom among people living with sickle cell anemia. Jaundice is the main culprit. Its major symptoms are the coloring of the skin and the eyes and it can also be called icterus. When you have this yellow colored eyes as a sickle cell patient you should know you are very close to a sickle cell crisis. Now that we know what causes your eyes to turn yellow as a sickle cell anemia patient, let's move away from there and discuss the possible solutions.
To get the solution you must know what happens to your body that turns your eyes, skin and even fluid in the body yellowish
The problem with sickle cell patients is the red blood cells. The red blood cells of a sickle cell patients don't live Long like the other persons. They die often and are broken down by the body as waste to be sent out of the body as fluid or excreta. In the process of breaking it down for excretion, it is converted to bilirubin for easy excretion by the liver by converting it into bile.
The average sickle cell doesn't live long they live less than 12 days so you will have more red blood cell been broken down and been excreted by the body. This will make the body to be overloaded with bilirubin and thus giving the liver much work to do.
To clean your eyes of those yellowish rubbish as a sickle cell patient and make your as white as sown, you need to drink a lot of water just as I wrote in my other blog post http://yourhealthandmy.blogspot.com.ng/2015/08/sickle-cell-anemia.html?m=1 To hydrate your body and this will help break down the bilirubin and also help the kidney to get rid of other waste in the body system thus living the liver to concentrate on removing the bilirubin from the body.
To get that white eyes you desire even when you are living with sickle cell anemia, you must help your liver stay healthy by eating the right foods, vegetables and fruits and also staying away from foods and substance that can harm the liver. I mean things like alcohol, the more alcohol your liver break down and remove from the body system, the more weaken it becomes. So as a person living with sickle cell disorder you must stay away from alcohol.
Medications, some medications are very harmful to the liver even some vitamins supplement like vitamin A And D. To avoid damage to your liver you should always take the recommended dose.
You should not consume too much protein and fatty foods. They can be harmful to your liver and makes your liver not to function well
Some of us take herbs without consulting your healthcare provider. This is not advisable because of some
Herbs contain chemicals in them that can cause damage to your liver.
In conclusion, take care of your liver because of this the organ that can help your system stay clean. Drink plenty of water even when you wake up at night and pamper your liver with good foods.